The Doc Collective

The Mañana Generation: An introduction

Series: The Mañana Generation

Services: Idea development, pre-production, production and post-production

"In the first sexual revolution women could choose when not to be mothers, in the second one they can choose when to be mothers independant of biological limitations"

"The Manana Generation" is a short doc series named after the term coined by ‘the father of the pill’, Professor Carl Djerassi, to describe a future generation which by 2050 who would be having sex purely for pleasure, rather than for reproduction. 

In this first episode, we explore this concept. Carl theorised that due to advances in fertility treatments such as IVF and egg vitrification, women and men would be more likely to freeze their sperm and eggs, delaying parenthood and then opting for IVF treatment when they are ready.

The first members of this “Mañana Generation” are already amongst us, but is society ready for them? The series explores the question in detail.


Voice over by:

Lizzie Whitcombe