The Doc Collective

The Mañana Generation: A Personal Story

Series: The Mañana Generation

Services: Idea development, pre-production, production and post- production

"There's going to be a change in the lives of girls and women”

Alice Munro, author of "Lives of Girls and Women", 1971

Part of a short doc series titled "The Manana Generation”, uncovering the latest innovations in fertility preservation, “ A personal story” follows the journey of a 32 year-old woman living in Madrid as she undergoes egg vitrification. 

Why are women deciding to preserve their eggs? Are they personal or professional reasons? Is it because they haven't found the right partner yet? Is it because they want to achieve success in their careers? Furthermore, what will this mean to future generations and their work-life balance?



Virginia Fuentes

Virginia Cordero

Rafaela Sanguino

Dr. Isabel Santillán


Ainhoa Andraka

Maider Idiazabal

Moncho Fernández